Find below the list of archives and registers digitalized and indexed in Italy:
Abbazia e Comune di PROCIDA

All the parish registers of the only parish of the Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo (1567-1930), the civil registers of the 19th century (1810-1899), as well as the registers of the staff and students of the Francesco Caracciolo Nautical Institute (1867-1923) have been digitalized.
Parrocchie e Comuni d'ISCHIA

All the parishes and municipalities of the island have been digitalized. All the registers of the island of Ischia have been indexed and are now available in our database.
Parrocchia di Santo Silverio e Santa Domitilla di PONZA

In 2010, Philippe D'ARCO, Benefactor Member, shared with us the parish archives of the island of Ponza that he had digitalized years earlier for his personal research. Only baptism and marriage registers are available for the period 1739-1886.
Parrocchia di Santa Candida e Comune di VENTOTENE

In 2019, the parish registers (1769-1929) and the civil registers of Ventotene and Santo Stefano (1811-1865) were digitalized and indexed by us.
Also discover The prison of Santo Stefano with: Associazione per Santo Stefano.